"Computing is learning about how computers and other devices work."
Southtown Primary pupils.
The teaching and learning of Computing is essential to the development of children for the world that we live in. We aim to give our children the skills and capabilities to use technology in all aspects of their life as well as being safe in the use of technology. We aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills in Computing to be able to participate in a world that is rapidly changing in terms of technology.
The computing curriculum has been planned and developed so that skills and knowledge are taught and built on across the primary age range to enable children to extend and deepen their understanding as they move through the school. The children are taught computing skills step by step as well as also having opportunities to work independently to develop their skills. Opportunities are given for children for enhancing learning in a number of subjects by using technology.
Children gain knowledge of computing skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their education. Children develop knowledge and understanding of how technology works.