Year 6 - Lemur Class
Welcome to Lemur Class
Class Teacher - Mrs Sullivan
Class TA - Mrs Hanley
Start time: 8.40am
Break: 11.00 - 11.15
Lunch: 12.15 - 1.15pm
End time: 3.30pm
PE: Friday afternoon - children to bring PE kits into school.
Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 Expectations
As the top of the school, year 6 will be expected to set a high standard of behaviour and attitude, being excellent role models for the younger children to follow. There is a greater emphasis on independent learning and being responsible for remembering to complete home learning, bring in necessary equipment . This will enable them to transition well into high school.
Year 6 SATs
End of key stage SATs will be taking place in May. The SATs are an assessment of ALL KS2 learning, not just work covered during year 6. For Reading, Writing, Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling), there is an expected standard for year 6 pupils to reach.
Within reading comprehension, pupils need to be able to find and retrieve information directly from the text as well as to be able to make inferences based on what is being said indirectly within text. They will also need to justify answers by finding evidence in a text to support their ideas.
Within writing, pupils needs to be able to use both basic and more advanced punctuation, write for a variety of purposes, use knowledge of grammar rules effectively, have clear and legible joined-up handwriting, spell a wide range of words correctly and consistently and obviously to have writing that makes sense.
Within maths, pupils will need to have a secure knowledge of calculation (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) for the arithmetic test as well as using and applying that knowledge in the reasoning test which will include shape, measure, statistics etc.
Within GPS, pupils are expected to know and understand how different grammatical elements affect writing and to use these correctly within a range of writing tasks. They will also be expected to be able to use spelling rules effectively to spell both familiar and unfamiliar words, as well as using a wide range of punctuation correctly.
Welcome to Lemur class and to year 6.
This half term we will be covering:
History - WW2
Science - Light
RE: Christianity
RSE: My feelings
PSHE: Personal growth and aspirations
ICT: Machine learning and AI
PE: Invasion Games
Maths: Place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
Autumn 2:
This half term we are continuing with our history topic of World War 2. We will be learning about rationing, the Battle of Britain, The Blitz, The Home front and Make do and mend.
Guided Reading: This half term we will be looking the book Skellig by David Almond.
DT: Design and making waistcoats for teddy bears.
RSE: My Relationships: Sexual organs of a man and a woman; Knowing that a man and a woman have sexual intercourse
and Sexual intercourse can lead to reproduction.
Maths: Factors, multiples and Primes, Multiplication, Division and Fractions.
Literacy: War poetry, First person stories with a moral and Explanatory texts.
Science: Impact of electricity, Circuits and symbols, Volts and Electrical components.
RE: Islam - How does the Tawhid create a sense of belonging to the Muslim community?
PSHE: Well being: life connections; Leadership sessions 1 and 2; My mind: support networks
Computing: E-safety
G.O.A.L - continuing to learn about money matters
This half term, Lemur class participated in an environmental science week organised by IntoUniversity. The class learnt about 4 different environments (The Great Barrier Reef, The Sahara Desert, The Amazon Rainforest and The Arctic) and how modern day issues affect them. The class worked both independently and in groups to create a project on one of the environments. This was then shared with parents during their graduation ceremony at UEA on the Friday afternoon.
They also had a day at Great Yarmouth Sealife Centre, learning about issues affecting our oceans.
Sealife centre
Spring 1
This half term our topic is called ‘Can we survive forever?
The topic is a combination of science and geography based work.
Science: We will be looking at ‘Animals including Humans’. We will be looking different systems in the human body – digestive, skeletal, muscular and circulatory systems. We will also be dissecting a pigs heart!
We will also look at healthy lifestyles including impact of drugs and alcohol on the human body and how humans develop from babies to adulthood.
Geography: We be looking at these big questions:
What if all the Polar Ice Caps Disappeared?
What if all the fish stocks were depleted?
What if all the trees were destroyed?
What if plastic filled the seas?
Literacy: Our writing units are: Shakespeare’s sonnets, First person stories and
Explanatory texts
Maths: This term we will be concentrating on maths topics linked to reasoning questions: shape, area and perimeter, order of operations and algebra
French: We will be looking at different food items, describing how to make a sandwich, expressing opinions about food and talking about healthy and unhealthy foods.
RE: We will be looking at aspects of Hinduism.
PSHE/RSE: We will be looking at puberty and sex education
We will also be continuing G.O.A.L ( Game of Actual Life) which is linked to real life situations involving money (jobs, wages, bills etc).