Year 2 - Maple
Welcome to Year 2 and Maple class! The teacher in Maple class is Mrs Womack, supported by Mrs Andrews and Mr Jay.
PE days are every Tuesday and Thursday - please could make sure your child has a full NAMED kit with earrings removed and hair tied back on those days, thank you.
Library books will be changed every Friday. Please bring your paper copies of your Read Write inc. books back once you have finished them.
We have had a very busy half term, the children have all settled well into Year 2 and have been working hard. It was lovely to meet you all at parents evening and discuss your child's progress.
Please support your child with their read write inc. books at home and also share as many books as you can with them, all of the children in Maple class love stories and it helps them with their literacy skills.
Finally on the last day of term the weather permitted us to go on our trip to Africa
Alive. We had a great time, the children behaved well and it consolidated learning about African animals.