Year 6 - Lemur Class
Welcome to our year 6 class page!
Lemur Class
Teacher: Mrs. Lofting
TA: Mrs. Hanley
Mrs. Emblem (Thursday afternoon)
Teacher: Mrs. Austin (Fridays)
Don't forget to check our Class Dojo page too.
We share lots of photographs and videos of our learning on Class Dojo, you will get notifications when your child is awarded Dojo points and has a handy messaging window where you can ask questions about your child's work and we can send reminders and helpful messages about what your child is doing in school.
Our school day begins at 8.45 and finishes at 3.30.
We will be waiting outside to greet the children and welcome them into class. Please wait by the class area gate at the end of the day, children will be dismissed by staff once we have seen you! If you wish your child to walk home on their own please tell the office.
Lemur Class will have PE on Tuesday and Friday every week. Children should bring a named school PE kit in a PE bag. Please tie long hair up and remove any jewellery before attending school.
We will visit the school library every Tuesday. Children will be invited to change their books on a weekly basis.
Year 6 Expectations
As the top of the school, year 6 will be expected to set a high standard of behaviour and attitude, being excellent role models for the younger children to follow. There is a greater emphasis on independent learning and being responsible for remembering to complete home learning, and bring in necessary equipment. This will enable them to transition well into high school.
Year 6 SATs
The end of key stage SATs will be taking place in May. The SATs are an assessment of ALL KS2 learning, not just work covered during year 6. For Reading, Writing, Maths, and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling), there is an expected standard for year 6 pupils to reach.
Within reading comprehension, pupils need to be able to find and retrieve information directly from the text as well as to be able to make inferences based on what is being said indirectly within the text. They will also need to justify answers by finding evidence in a text to support their ideas.
Within writing, pupils need to be able to use both basic and more advanced punctuation, write for a variety of purposes, use knowledge of grammar rules effectively, have clear and legible joined-up handwriting, spell a wide range of words correctly and consistently and obviously to have writing that makes sense.
Within maths, pupils will need to have a secure knowledge of calculation (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication) for the arithmetic test as well as using and applying that knowledge in the reasoning test which will include shape, measure, statistics etc.
Within GPS, pupils are expected to know and understand how different grammatical elements affect writing and to use these correctly within a range of writing tasks. They will also be expected to be able to use spelling rules effectively to spell both familiar and unfamiliar words, as well as using a wide range of punctuation correctly.
Autumn 1 Curriculum
Autumn 1
Curriculum Focus:
Discursive writing
Guided Reading
Place Value
Negative numbers
Multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000
World War 11: Local History
Study of Physical Processes
1. What makes up the layers of planet Earth?
2. Tectonic Plates
3. Earthquakes-cause and effect
4. Mountains
5. Volcanoes
Living Things and their Habitats
Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences including micro-organisms, plants and animals
Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
Into-University Week: Zoology
Trip to Africa Alive
Macro photography
Digital art
Recreating paintings
Photorealistic Self-portrait
This is a very busy half-term in school. Not only do we have a full timetable with the curriculum, but we also have lots of Christmas preparations to squeeze in!
This year, Year 6 is performing Christmas songs and poems as their Christmas Performance. We would like to invite parents and carers to join us in celebrating a joyous time of year and applauding the children's hard work. (Please see the weekly newsletter for dates and times.)
Autumn 2
Curriculum Focus
First-Person Stories with a Moral
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 comparison with Wordsworth’s Daffodils
Explanatory Text
Guided Reading
The Aboard the Empire Windrush
Equivalent Fractions
Fraction and Decimal equivalents
A formal written method of Multiplication
Area of triangles and parallelograms
The Windrush Generation
Art and Design
Design, make and evaluate a waistcoat.