Reception - Butterfly Class
Welcome to Butterfly Class!
Our school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.30pm
Teacher: Miss Alp/Mrs Flint
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gamble, Mrs Linton & Miss Neve
1:1 Teaching Assistants: Miss Hurst, Mrs Ozgur & Miss McCarthy
Welcome to our Reception class page. Here you will find information about your child's class, some of the learning and important dates for your diary.
Key information
This year we will capture observations of your child learning through play in a learning journal. You will receive this at the end of the year.
When reading books are sent home, book bags need to be brought into school every day. This is to ensure that books are returned and information is sent out to parents.
Friday: Please can all children wear PE kits to school.
Friday pm: Please could children bring in their welly boots to visit the nature area.
Topics This Year
Autumn 1: Do you want to be my friend?
Autumn 2: Will you read me a story?
Spring 1: Can I switch it on?
Spring 2: What happens when I fall asleep?
Summer 1: Why do ladybirds have spots?
Summer 2: What can you see in summer?
Class Dojo
Don't forget to check our Class Dojo page too. We share lots of photographs of our learning on Class Dojo, you will get notifications when your child is awarded Dojo points and you can find helpful links for homework, phonics practice and maths games! Class Dojo also has a handy messaging window where you can ask questions about your child's work and we can send reminders and helpful messages about what your child is doing in school.