Reception - Butterfly Class
Butterfly Class Page
Teachers: Mrs Flint
Teaching assistants: Mrs Gamble, Mrs Gates, Mrs Smith
Welcome to our Reception class page. Here you will find information about your child's Reception class.
Please remember to check your child's Class Dojo also.
Class Dojo
Don't forget to check our Class Dojo page too. We share lots of photographs of our learning on Class Dojo, you will get notifications when your child is awarded Dojo points and you can find helpful links for homework, phonics practice and maths games! Class Dojo also has a handy messaging window where you can ask questions about your child's work and we can send reminders and helpful messages about what your child is doing in school.
Key information:
- Please bring bookbags to school every day
- Please return library books every Friday so that your child can pick a new book each week
- PE kits to be worn on a Friday
- Welly boots to be brought in for the nature area for Friday PM
Learning through the year:
Autumn Term: Will you be my friend? (About me)
We will have a focus on traditional tales and fairytales this term. Children will learn to explore and investigate their environment independently, adults will support children with social skills such as playing together and taking turns and children will become familiar with the expectations and routines in school.
Our EYFS curriculum is under review and will be updated termly.