Year 6 - Sycamore
Sycamore Class
Welcome to our Year 6 Class Page, we are hoping to have a year full of accomplishment, independence and fun too. We will have a large quantity of work and will keep lots of the homework and revision on this page. This is an important year we will be giving the students more responsibilities around the school. They will have to take on monitor jobs and be required to take their learning more into their own hands.
Our topic current topic is Blood Heart, during the topic we will be learning all about the heart. We will conduct experiments and should be performing a dissection of a pig heart. We are hoping to have a trainee doctor in to teach as a more about how things work in the hospital and the heart itself. In the topic, section below you will find a PDF download of things that you can do at home.
Spring 2
This half term we will be preparing for the KS2 SAT's in May so our topic time may be a little limited. However after SAT's we will ensure that we catch up on any areas not completed.
This half term our topic is called Tomorrow's World - discovering the potential of 21st century technology!
Welcome back to the Summer Term.........and the final half term for all the Year 6's!!!!!!
This half term we start with an ART's week. Sycamore have chosen America and we will looking at famous artists from the 19th and 20th century. These include portrait painter John Singer Sergeant, landscape photographer Ansel Adams, still life painter Georgia O' Keefe, architect and designer Frank Lloyd Wright , abstract expressionist painter Helen Frankenthaler and the pop artist Andy Warhol.
We would like to invite you to our assembly on Thursday 5th June to share our own art in the above styles.
Our topic this half term is FROZEN KINGDOM. We'll start by making and observing icebergs and research them to find out how they are formed, where do they go and how dangerous are they?? Using globes and maps, we’ll identify the polar regions, comparing the Arctic and Antarctic. We’ll also think about how we can protect the polar environment. Then, we’ll investigate the tragic story of the RMS Titanic, and find out about the people on board. Researching our favourite polar animals will be fun, and we’ll create animal artwork inspired by the Inuit people. We’ll investigate the phenomena that are the Northern Lights and recreate amazing effects using paints and dyes.