Design and Technology and Art and Design
"Design and technology is making products that solve problems.
Art is learning how to create something with imagination and skill."
Southtown Primary pupils.
Art and Design
We value Art and Design as an important part of the curriculum. We want our children to use Art and Design to express themselves through a variety of mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, mixed media, craft techniques and sculpture. We aim for our children learn a wide variety of skills and techniques and also, to learn about artists and their techniques. We also aim for our children to learn critique their work and that of others.
Children are taught an Art and Design curriculum using Kapow. The curriculum has been planned and developed so that art and design skills and knowledge are taught and built on across the primary age range to enable children to extend and deepen their understanding as they move through the school. Children are able to deepen their understanding through demonstration videos and benefit from the use of knowledge organisers. A yearly art and design week is also planned to help develop a culture of art and design across the school.
Children’s Art books show a broad and balanced Art and Design curriculum. Children gain knowledge of art and design skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their education. Children become increasingly confident to use a range of materials, tools and art mediums and gain an appreciation of art.
Design and Technology
We believe that the teaching and learning of Design and Technology is important to prepare our children for the modern world. We want our children to learn in a variety of areas including cooking and nutrition, mechanical systems, textiles, electrical systems, structures and about the digital world.
Children are taught an Art and Design curriculum using Kapow. The curriculum has been planned and developed so that design and technology skills and knowledge are taught and built on across the primary age range to enable children to extend and deepen their understanding as they move through the school. Children are able to deepen their understanding through demonstration videos and benefit from the use of knowledge organisers. Children also complete a quiz at the beginning and end of each unit to gauge what they already know and then, what they have recently learned.
Children gain knowledge of design and technology skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their education. Children become increasingly confident to use a range of materials and tools and are also able to test, critique and evaluate their products and ideas as well as those of others.