Reception - Ash
Welcome to Ash Class!
Teacher: Miss Alp
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gamble, Mrs Lynch & Mrs Linton
Welcome to our reception class page. Here you will find key information about your childs class, some of our learning and some events or dates for your diary.
Key information:
Please can all parents/carers record any observations of children at home to contribute towards their learning journal. If you require a parent observation booklet - please ask!
Book bags need to be brought into school every day. This is to ensure books are returned and information is sent out to all parents.
Mondays: Please can all children have a named PE kit. This can be kept on their peg for the week and children can take this home on a Friday ready to return the following week!
Fridays: Children will bring home a book from the library weekly. Please could this be returned every week so that children can bring home a new book!
Topics this year in Reception:
Autumn 1: All About Me
Autumn 2: Traditional Tales
Spring 1: Toys
Spring 2: Change and Growth
Summer 1: Space
Summer 2: Seaside
Dates for the diary:
- Home visits for new Reception intake - 4/9/19 and 5/9/19
- Transition week for new reception intake wb 9/9/19
- Read Write Inc meeting for parents in Ash class 25/9/19 at 3.10pm
- Harvest Parent activity morning 3/10/19 9.45-10.45am
- Last day of term - 18/10/19