Year 4 - Dolphin Class
Welcome to Dolphin Class!
Class Teacher: Mrs Southernwood/Mrs Womack
Teaching Assistants: Mr Kyriacou/Mrs Beaney
We are excited to welcome you to our class page! It is a great place to find out about our class as well as seeing pictures of some of the things we get up to over the year! We would also encourage you to ensure you are linked with our class on Class Dojo.
What to expect in Year 4:
Children in year 4 are continuing their journey in Key Stage 2 and will be supported to build on their previous learning and academic skills as well as their personal development. It is an exciting year, full of opportunities to explore and grow.
Each half term will have a different learning focus enabling pupils to explore and apply skills relevant to each subject.
Our weekly timetable is organised so that pupils get to explore a wide range of subjects and lessons.
PE lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is essential that pupils bring their kit for these days.
Our library session will be every Friday. Please ensure library books are in school on Friday to allow pupils to change them.
It is expected that pupils in year 4 will complete regular homework activities. Each half term, we provide a selection of home learning ideas related to our new topic (shared on Dojo and uploaded here on our class page). Please use pick one or two activities to explore our topic with your child at home.
We send home spelling sheets so that pupils have a copy of their spellings to practise. See our Class Dojo portfolio for a digital copy of the spellings as well as ideas to practise and learn spelling patterns.
We set regular MyMaths homework which gives pupils the opportunity to practise the maths skills we have covered in class. Pupils also have logins for the times table app: PiXL maths. Being confident and fluent in our times table recall is hugely beneficial for pupils’ maths skills in year 4 and ongoing.
Please continue to take time to share books at home and listen to your child read. It is helpful if home reading is noted in reading records.
As pupils continue to develop and improve their reading skills, many will be using the Accelerated Reader programme. This allows pupils to select and read books at an appropriate level of challenge.
All pupils are provided with a reading record . It is vital that pupils are able to read and discuss their reading at home as well as in school . We ask that parents sign reading records to communicate this to us.
Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2- What's the matter?
Spring term 1- Can I Travel Around the World in 80 days?
Visit from a local explorer/ adventurer
Art in Dolphin Class
University Workshop
Autumn term 2- Ancient Greece: Fact or fiction?
Lego Workshop
Autumn term 1- What lives in the ocean?
Black History Month
Our trip to the Sealife Centre
Dental nurse visit