"History is learning about past events and people who lived long ago."
Southtown Primary pupils.
We aim for a high quality history curriculum which inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination to find out more about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our teaching equips pupils with a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Children will understand about ancient civilisations and empires; changes in living memory and beyond living memory; learn about the lives of significant people from the past and significant events in the past. Children will understand the methods of historical enquiry and be able to ask and answer questions. We want children to enjoy learning about history by gaining knowledge and skills in the classroom and also through educational visits.
History is taught with a focus on different themes throughout the year. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills for each theme and consideration has been given to ensure progression across the school. Historical vocabulary is introduced and reinforced throughout the learning process. The curriculum is based around the substantive concepts of Community, Knowledge, Invasion, Civilisation, Power and Democracy. The local area is utilised as well as visitors to school and off site visits to enhance learning. The children are exposed to different artefacts and historical sources and will be taught to use historical terms accurately. Local history is woven into the curriculum as appropriate and wherever possible, local links with larger historical themes are made.
From April 2023 children are being taught History using the CUSP History Curriculum.
Children gain historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their education. Children are able to use historical vocabulary to explain their learning. Children are able to make links to previous learning in History. Children are able to convey what they already know and what they would like to find out. Children are engaged in and excited about History and want to find out more. History books will show that a range of history topics are covered.