Our School Curriculum
Southtown Primary School created a new curriculum which was implemented in September 2020. Since then we are continually evaluating and refining our learning offer with an overall goal of ensuring that all of our children:
- Receive a broad and balanced high quality curriculum.
- Access the highest standards of teaching with a relentless focus upon children learning more, remembering more and doing more.
- Access a language rich curriculum.
- Are taught the learning behaviours of always being ready to learn, joining in with all aspects of learning, being brave in learning, working independently, trying their best and continuing to try when work is challenging, listening, thinking and explaining their learning and working well with others.
- Have their individual needs met.
- Are prepared for secondary school and go on to become lifelong learners.
The Curriculum
The National Curriculum serves as a framework for our curriculum policy. Children learn best when the curriculum is coherently planned, connected and sequenced towards sufficient knowledge and skills and future learning.
The curriculum at Southtown Primary School comprises all the learning and other development opportunities that pupils experience at the school. At Southtown we believe that the curriculum should be as exciting and stimulating as possible. We actively seek to promote a love of learning by making school fun and relevant whilst at the same time ensuring standards are high in order to prepare your children for their future.
The delivery of the whole curriculum is achieved through a mixture of cross-curricular and subject specific teaching. Cross-curricular work involves teaching and learning activities based on a theme, involving the children in work which links subjects together as far as possible. Subject specific teaching focuses on core skills in English and Mathematics and gives teachers the flexibility to respond to individual learning needs. The combination of these approaches results in a carefully planned curriculum, with a clear progression of the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In order to ensure this progression, teachers take into account each child’s previous achievements and any individual learning needs they may have.
Children in the Early Years follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This comprises of seven key areas of learning and development which are: Three Prime Areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; Communication and Language. Four Specific Areas: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design.
Children in Years 1 to 6 (Key Stages 1 and 2) follow the subjects of the National Curriculum. Each area is carefully planned to ensure all year group and key stage objectives are met.
There are a range of National Curriculum subjects that are taught in school, as follows:
Core Subjects – English, Mathematics, Science.
Foundation Subjects – Design and Technology, Geography, History, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Computing, Religious Education, PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education. (Modern Foreign Language is taught in Key Stage 2).
Our comprehensive Visits Plan offers children opportunities to develop and explore the local area as well as visiting places of interest further afield. We provide residential visits each year for upper key stage two pupils, which are exciting, varied and a fantastic opportunity for relationship building and personal development.
We also offer a wide range of art, musical and sporting opportunities. Children are given opportunities to participate in after school clubs linked to these curriculum areas and are often invited to participate in competitive events such as sports tournaments and musical events.