Relationships, Sex and Health Education
"Relationships, health and sex education is learning about families, friends and how to keep your body and mind healthy."
Southtown Primary pupils.
Our aim is for all of our children to feel confident about who they are and to respect others’ choices. Children are taught about having respect for themselves and others and how to keep themselves safe in the wider world.
Children are taught a Relationships and Sex Education (RSHE) curriculum in a discrete weekly lesson. We use the Educator Solutions RSHE curriculum package. This package and has been adapted to fit the needs of our children. Lessons are planned and developed so that children’s knowledge is built upon across the primary age range to enable children to extend and deepen their understanding of ‘healthy relationships’ through the school. Children are introduced to key vocabulary when they start in Reception year, this begins with the basic scientific terms for body parts and develops as the children become older and more aware of themselves and others around them. Children learn about different types of family groups and personal identity. We encourage children to ask questions and engage in practical learning experiences in lessons.
Children will understand the physical aspects of relationships and sex education at an age appropriate level. Children’s RSE books show a broad and balanced RSHE curriculum. Children gain knowledge and skills that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their education. Children are able to use vocabulary related to RSHE to explain their learning. Children are able to make links to previous learning in RSHE.